lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

My favourite piece of technology

In June of this year, i was on the dowtown of Santiago in a technology shop. In that date i was working so i had a little of money, for that i decided buy a MP3.

I could listen a lot of music, i listened every moments when i drove my cycling or whe i walked in te street.

I used so much my MP3, it was my favourite piece of technology. But one day ... i was in my job and i wanted to listen music, but my Mp3 wasn´t battery, so i charged....but the plug was so bad and my MP3 was burned.

The garanty ended in a month, so taked my MP3 and i asked that change for another, the shop take my claim and say me "wait a week if we accept your petition, if we say yes wait 28 days for a solution", i was very angry but say "ok i will wait the 28 days".

Them of all that time the shop i call to the shop and they say me that the Mp3 hasn´t solution, and with the money that cost i could buy another thing or another MP3. I buyed another MP3 and i caring so much.

But them of a month if use the MP3 don´t turn on never. Today i don´t want another Mp3 because i want to have a live free of delicate things.

That is all my friends.....see yo in another moment.


lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

My Favourite Film

Hello my friends, today i will write about my favourite film.

When i was a little boy i sick many times in one year, and sometimes i taked a rest for three or two days in my bed. One time of all these i was watching the tv, and every nights spent a film of mafia or criminal organizations, i watched as six films, and one these was SCARFACE.

Then of that first time i watched the film as three times more, i like so much because take a real problem and recounts a fiction story, is a movie where the principal actor take a protagonism very impressionant, as every films that he acted, Al Pacino.

In the 80´s the migration from latin america to USA was very high, many people searched the american dream, but when they come to USA the american dream isn`t real and the poverty is the same that they were in their originary country. In this context appear the character of Tony Montana (Al Pacino), he searched the american dream but he understand that was more easy be a criminal that a worker man, for reach the ideals of the american dream: Money - Power - Respect.

This is all my friends and watch this film.


lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

The Correction!!!!!

Diego’s Post

Hello my friends, today I will write about the nacional holydays. In this month chileans celebrate the first goverment council, specifically the18th of september.

Chileans people celebrate this date with good spirit. We go to the "fondas", in the fondas we dance "cueca" a typical chilean dance. We eat food that we only eat in this date, for example: "empanadas", "anticuchos"or another kind of roast meat; we play typical games that we learn in the countryside, as the "rayuela" or the sacks race. But this isn't all because we drink a lot of alcohol, but typical drinks for example: "chicha" or "terremoto".

When I was a child just played with my "trompo", because my parents decided that we had to visite our family but when we visited to our family there weren’t always cousins of my age, so I enjoyed a good meat on the grilled and played with my "trompo".

Actually, I enjoy the "18's" dancing "cueca", meeting with my friends around a grill with a “glass barbacue” (a barbacue only with alcohol) and studying so much because i have always a test or a homework for the first day of going back to university.

Finally I can say than I haven't got a favourite "18", but I can’t never to forget the last "18" when I travelled to the beach with some friends.....i can’t never forget or I forget some moments of that date....

OK friends....
That´s all!!
See You!!
And enjoy this 18!!!

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008


Hello my friends, today i will write about the patriots parties. In this month the chileans celebrate the first goverment council, specifically 18th of september.

The chileans people celebrate this date with many happiness, we go to the "fondas". In the fondas we dance the "cueca" a dance characteristic of Chile; we eat food than just eat in this date, for example: "empanadas", "anticuchos"or another kind of meat roast; we play a typical games than we learn in the country, as the "rayuela" or the race in sacks. But this isn't all because we drink a lot of alcohol, but a typical drinks for example: "chicha" or "terremoto".

When i was a child just play with my "trompo", because my parents decided than we have to visite our family but when we visited to our family isn't always had cousins of my age, so i enjoyed of a good meat on the grilled and play with my "trompo".

Actually i enjoy the "18's" dancing "cueca", metting with my friends arround of a grilled with a barbacue of glass and studying so much because always i have a test or a homework for the first day of return class.

Finally i can say than i haven't a favourite "18", but i never to forgiven the last "18" when i travel to the beach with some friends.....i never forgiven or i forgiven some moments of that date....

OK friends....

this is all!


See You!!

And enjoy this 18!!!

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

I in five years later

Hi readers of my blog, in this oportunity i wil write about my future... yes, my future...but in five years more.

I will want to do many things in five years more, for example will work in some rural municipalities in the chilean south. But before i will work on the program for support some social organizations. I think that my project of life is very difficult to do, because i want to study in another country for a postgrade too, but first i need experience.

Tallking about my personally life i hope in that moment will be living alone, in Santiago or other city, hopefully i will be with a beautiful women. I don't believe that in five years more i will have a family (sons), because in Chile with 26 years is the same that have 20 years, is very difficult enter to a good job, or a job chord with my studies.

Finally i will go every weekends to my favourite and encourage to the best team of Chile....Colo - Colo.

This is all friends!

See You!


lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Learning English

In this opportunity i will write about my experience in the learning english.

I started to learn english in my first school, i was in fifth grade ) i don´t remember so good. Well, my first teachers wasn´t relevants in my education for this idiom, but i had a teacher that was very bad in my second school, he didn´t feel teach and he was very preferential with a little group of my classmates. For that i didn´t want to learn a new idiom (i had one year of french but i don´t remember anything about this language). I was that thought in my head from my firts year in the secondary until my last year on the school, in that year i thougth that is better learn english, but as the based was bad i didn´t had a succeful, this i can to confirmed when a teacher of geography giveme a text in english and i just understand a little.

In this moment i try to learn english, i am not a good learner beacause i am a little irresponsable, i am in process for change this quality of me. I think that the most easy for me is read the in this language, and i like so much to speak in english because i learn more than just repeat a phrase (as my school), but is so difficult for me.

I think that exist many differences between "english american english" and the "England culture", because in the north of our continent the country that speak in that language is very plastic (if you listen the song of Ruben Blades La chica plástica you can to understand that i am talking about); in opossite of that culture the England culture is very interesting, in that country borned the punk culture, borned the violent feel for a football team: hooligans and the people have a very good taste of music (and very good radios). I feel that is a very good country but is very expensive.

In the sumer of 2007 i meet people that speak english, they was very funny and i did could to comunicated in good terms with they.

Finally i think that the english is very useful for me, because i can to read english texts and i can to comunicate with many people that have a similar thought to my in differents countries.

Ok friends.

See you in another moment.


lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

I am Diego Pinto......

Hi friends, i return to wrtite in the favourite blogspot of the society. In this moment i will write about myself, isn´t a autorefference but is for if somebody interest in my life.

I was born in Costa Rica, in San José, on the January 3th, 21 years ago. I stayed how three years in my natal country. On July 1990 i landed in Chile, i don´t remember exactly the date but when i was a litle boy my parents were telling me about the travell and the experience of was live in another country.

In my house live part of my family (two brothers and my mother); my father live with my litle sister Beatriz (five years) and his girlfriend; my most big brothers live in another place, my brother live alone in the dowtown of Santiago and my biggest sister live with her mother. I have only my grandparents fro my mother, my grandfather live in Costa Rica and the "grandmama" live in Santiago.

When i think about my hobbies i can´t reduce the amount of activities that i liked to do. I will try to make a list of the things that i do more: first: bicycling; second: listen music; third: drink something with my friends. This was a very litle list of my hobbies i think that haven´t importance that i do this activities alone (except the third) but i want to enjoy myself.

The last topic is the university, i think that this part of my life is the most important in my social resposability, i learn many much on the classroom but most in rest of the activities. Finally i think that the university isn´t only for group of people and hopefully on the future more people can enter for live the experience of share differents thoughts.

Ok my friends this is all for now....

See you!


martes, 8 de julio de 2008

My blogging experience

In this first part of the year in the English class we were working in a Blogspot, all the Tuesday we write about a topic that was proposed by the teacher, but the sense of the topic was free.

Once know the principals lines of this activity i will write about my experience how student of this class.

First: I liked so much the activity, i think that all the curses copy this idea we can generate good discussions about different things. I liked because is form very funny and effective for learn English; i liked so much the free of the experience. Finally i have a auto critic, because i didn't useful the great of the experience.

Second: I haven't a disliked with the experience, but i had liked integrate more a discussions about a post in a blog of my classmates, just how finally objective to integrate more variables for our learning.

Third: In my school i was taught English but i never learnt, because i never found a real utility. Here, in the English class of the university, i found an aplication and i started to want to learn English (maybe other factors influenced this change but i'm sure that this is one of the principal ones). Finally i think that the blog is a very good experience to find a aplication because is a tool to communicate with.

Fourth: My favourite post was when i wrote about a meeting with a historical person, and i choose to Salvador Allende. I think that this post was very interesting because i can to fly in my imagination.

Fifth: I haven´t a least favourite post, this because i didn´t how two post, that posts was the most boring, but i didn´t do this because it was boring i did it because i don´t rembered that posts.

Finally i want to choose the better blog (them of the my jeje) the Frodo blog. Because he choose a good colours, he has a good englis (i can understand his post) and he put a very funny photography of he (how the principal photo). But i think that the Maira's blog is a good blog too, she has a good englis and good colours, but her photos was very "poke" (jejeje).

And this is the end...
Bye friends i see you in another moment....


viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

I and the GeoGraphy

When i was in the school, i was decided to study something in relation with the social area, i wanted to study history or sociology. When i did the PSU, four years ago, my grade was good but i couldn't enter to history (my final selection), so i was decided to study in a privated university. Three days after to know my grade i get one´s mail with the information that i was in the University of Chile. In short when i postuled to the carrer i was wrong, i don´t put History i put Geography. Finally i decided to enter to Geography, because i think in changed for incide to the another carrer, but it wasn´t there, i liked many much the carrer.

In this moment i study Geography because i start to know many tools that can to use in diferents things that i like, for example in the social area i can to work with a population that hasn´t his own house. Another thing that i liked is the differents variables that used for some analysis, and that is very important because with a good participation of the people and good tecnicals tools we (geographers) give a better solution for the citizens.

After of give you a little explanation of my relation with the geogrphy and "why" i enter to this carrer, i want to tell you about the role of the geographer in the planet.

In this moment we (geographers) are only a tool for the world community, we haven´t the solutions because we don´t live the problems; but in the enviromments problems (that all the people suffers) we are another actor of proffesionals that can help to make a better world. For this the geographer need to work with anothers proffesionals, and that we can to construct only related with anothers carrers since first year.

My fovourite subject in the discipline is the Social Geography and related with that is the Critical Geography, this we can to apply how a perspective in the studies and in the differents projects that we can to take part. Related with this i see my future working for a community and not for a my good economic. In 10 years maybe (i want) i will be working in a municipality in the south or working in the academy (university) for the next generations.

This is all Friends!!!

See you!!

martes, 29 de abril de 2008

One on ONE with Salvador Allende

I guess that the president of Chile in the years 1970 to 1973 is a very interesting person for talk about his life or political things. In the history of Chile this a president very important, because he was a socialist that won the election in democracy. He tried to make various changes, but a part of the poppulation don't want this changes and they support a sabotage of government; in September 11 th of 1973 the militaries take the power (with support of the people with more money in this country) and kill to Salvador Allende.

My connection with Allende is for my family, they work in his government and they dreamed with a better society, more equality and a country that hased a relation of peace with another’s countries.

If he was alive i ask him "What happened? Why all was destroyed?", and show him how is the country how the militaries imposed the capitalism system, how the society is more individualist and how today isn’t a big movement of political organizations. Finally i ask for he that teachme all that he know about of political participative, and that he will go with me to watch a soccer match of Colo -Colo (of course).

Ok this all friends.


martes, 22 de abril de 2008

My fovourite Song

When i read the instructions of this entrance i say "well in this moment i haven´t a song many favurite", but then thing and say "but in my personals tastes always are a song that i like", this song always is the first.

The first time that i listen the song i was 16 years old, in that time i don't understand what want to say the song but i only liked it because the rythm is very different to another songs of that kind of music. Two or three years after i watch a video of the group and the song was traduced to the spanish, in that moment i liked the song many more because the rythm was good and the lyric was good too.

In this moment you can ask me ..."and What is the song? or What is the group (band)?", well the answer is....before of this i can say that when i listen the group for first time i was very fan of "Los Prisioneros" they was a very important band of rock/punk/political of Chile, and they bassed their songs in a england band....The Clash.

My favourite song is the first (and the single) of the disc "London Calling", and it has the same name of the disc...London Calling. The band was very important, not just for the rock or the punk, because this band integrated many kinds of musics, they formed in 1976 and disbanded in 1986.

Ok and this is the song:

London Calling


London calling to the faraway towns
Now that war is declared-and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look at us
All that phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing


The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
Engines stop running and the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
London is drowning-and I live by the river
London calling to the imitation zone
Forget it, brother, an' go it alone
London calling upon the zombies of death
Quit holding out-and draw another breath
London calling-and I don't wanna shout
But when we were talking-I saw you nodding out
London calling, see we ain't got no highs
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes


Now get this
London calling, yeah, I was there, too
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
London calling at the top of the dial
After all this, won't you give me a smile?
I never felt so much a' like

My first time in Monumental stadium

When i was litle boy my father say me "you are of the best team of Chile", i ask him "and what is that team?"..."Colo-Colo" say he. With this story i start my description of the place that i liked.

In a match of Colo-Colo versus "universidad de Chile" he invited to me and my brother for watch the match in the stadium, this stadium was the "Monumental David Arellano".

I don't remember how many years i was, but if someone know the score of this classic matches in the years 1993 and 1994 is the only that finish in "0" in this stadium.

Finally, i can say that the most impressive thing of that match is the fans of Colo-Colo was three or four times more that the others fans. That was one of many others reason because i am of Colo-Colo because is the best team (more champion wons), is the mos populated (3 of 5 chileans is "colocolino") and always give happynes to his fans.

Actually i go to the stadium always that i can (when i don´t work), and i have many friends that i meet in this place, because in the fields of this stadium many things and many feelings are captured in my memory.


This is all.

Bye and "ChAlBo".